Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

We welcome all to join us in our worship at Christ Church.  We are an Anglican mission congregation whose intent is to follow what St. Jude wrote to the readers of his Epistle: “I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.”  You will find no innovations at Christ Church, for we do not believe that we, or anyone, can improve on the gospel Jesus Christ delivered to us through His Disciples.  Yet, we live in a time where Christ’s gospel is being distorted and ignored and also when such time-tested institutions as Family, Church, and societal values are being challenged, redefined, and sometimes replaced. 

Facing these disruptive forces within society and even within many parts of the Church, Christ Church, along with other Traditional Anglicans, has chosen to learn from the past in order to avoid the mistakes and failures of earlier generations and those of current secularized churches.  We strive to be faithful in holding to the faith recorded for us in the Bible and consistently practiced for two thousand years. 

In this time of societal confusion, what we hope to provide to all who worship or study with us is (1) the authenticity, identity, direction, and security which Anglicanism’s unbroken historicity can give as well as the timeless truths and absolutes supplied by the revealed Word of God; (2) true worship, which in Traditional Anglicanism emphasizes both the transcendence of God and His imminence in Jesus Christ, for these flow powerfully through both her doctrine and her traditional liturgy and result in making God the object as well as the subject of Anglican worship; (3)  the transcendent power found in the sacraments when faithfully understood and administered; and (4) a sense of community, of unity, and of healing for the breaches within the Church, the Body of Christ—that holy fellowship of all faithful believers—all of which Anglicanism embraces through her “via media,” or bridge of Reformed (Evangelical) Catholicity. 

If this sounds heavily doctrinal, our congregation, nevertheless, is informal, warm, and welcoming.  We always find time for fellowship, and often food, whenever we gather for worship or study.  We invite you to join us as we work to fulfill our calling as Christian disciples.

-Fr. John Longcamp

“It is because baptism is a real insertion of human beings into the ascended manhood of Christ that the Church is Christ's own body, flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones.”

―E.L. Mascall