Christ Church Anglican Mission is part of the Anglican Province of America, part of 85 million Christians worldwide who call themselves Anglican. We came into being just as the Covid-19 pandemic began in 2020.  During those chaotic early months when most churches were closing their doors, three determined families began meeting together in their homes for Morning and Evening Prayer and study.  Their hope and intent was to establish a Traditional Anglican congregation, but because of the Covid-19 pandemic public meetings were curtailed and their only clerical guidance and support at this time was provided by an Anglican priest who lived ninety miles away in Shelbyville, Indiana. 

However, these families prayerfully persisted in meeting where and when they could, and Christ Church Anglican was incorporated in the State of Kentucky and officially recognized as a mission congregation of the Diocese of the Central and Western States in the Anglican Province of America in the summer of 2020.  Hopeful Lutheran Church in Florence then graciously made their historic chapel available for this small congregation to meet for worship on Saturday mornings. 

It was at this time that Fr. Longcamp, the current Vicar of Christ Church, was asked to assist the fledgling mission by celebrating a Eucharist two Saturdays each month.  He had just moved back to his hometown of Aurora, Indiana, in July, 2020, and had expected to retire and tend to family obligations.  However, he was recruited to serve this new mission on a part-time basis just at the point that Christ Church began worshipping at Hopeful Lutheran Church in September, 2020.  In June, 2022, Fr. Longcamp was able to assume the full-time duties of Vicar. 

After more than two years of Saturday services, Christ Church at last found commercial space to lease where it could expand its ministry without any scheduling restrictions. Christ Church Anglican Mission held its first service, our Christmas Eucharist, in this new Manderlay Drive facility on 25th December, 2022.

We look forward to providing a place of traditional Anglican worship to our community as faithful witnesses to our Lord Jesus Christ in the manner passed down through the centuries from the early Church established by Jesus Christ and spread throughout the then known world by His Apostles.

Fr. John Longcamp

The Rev. John S. Longcamp, M.D., is a native of Aurora, Indiana. A graduate of Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, and Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, he served an internship at Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis, Indiana, and a pediatric residency at Denver Children’s Hospital.  During his residency he met and married Judith Guyer, who was doing postgraduate studies at Denver University.  Following his residency, Dr. Longcamp served in the U. S. Army as a pediatrician from 1968 to 1970 at Kenner Army Hospital, Fort Lee, Virginia, then until 1975 with Kaiser-Permanente in Denver, Colorado, and finally with Group Health Associates in Cincinnati until 1999.  Fr. Longcamp was ordained as a priest in the Anglican Province of America by Bishop Walter H. Grundorf on May 5, 2001, and since then has served mission congregations in Ohio, Colorado, and now Kentucky.  Judy, his wife of 53 years, was his constant companion, inspiration, and supporter in both of these vocations until her death on April 1, 2021.  She was a treasure to the congregations who knew her.

Fr. Longcamp lives in Aurora, Indiana, near his son and daughter-in-law and has a grandson working toward his Ph.D. in Evolutionary Biology at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia.